Kirkstall Brewery- Apollo Junction IPA

Hello, and welcome back to the Eternal Hoptimists,

It’s time for something a little different today. Little did I know that yesterday when I went for a few casual beers with Stuart at Kirkstall Brewery’s tap room, that we would stumble upon a gig inside the brewery itself!

Naturally this was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up, so we got our heads together found out how to get a ticket, acquired “The stamp of shame!” and found our way to the stage.

Once there we found there was another bar opposite the stage which was serving up the bands very own beer!

Clearly this is a match made in heaven? Well there is only one way to find out, lets check it out!

  1. Name :  Apollo Junction IPA
  2. Brewery: Kirkstall Brewery
  3. Hops : N/A
  4. Grain :  N/A
  5. Aroma : Fruity scent of Grapefruit and lime with a twist of hop.
  6. Appearance : Clear golden colour with a nice white head when poured.
  7. Body : Medium bodied, well carbonated and very good head retention.
  8. Taste : Grapefruit forward with a hoppy tang with a twist of lime that coats the tongue and leaves a dry finish.

Not bad at all for a limited batch, nice and fruity, not to mention refreshing, and the dry finish keeps you pining for more. With a few of these and some good vibes and music you are certainly in for a god night!

I doubt we will ever see this tipple again, but if we did we would definitely have a few more.

Sam’s overall rating: 3.7/ 5.0

But what about the Gig itself!?..

Well once we got over the ingenious use of the stamp of shame we were treated to a 2 our set of music from Apollo Junction, an Acoustic set to start and an Electric set to finish, there was a very good turn out which created an electric atmosphere. This was the start of their biggest tour in the UK an i can see why they’re so popular.

Personally I think all bands should do gigs in a brewery, it mean its convenient, you usually get outstanding beer and its not for an inflated stadium price!

10/10 would see them again, and we got the shirt too!

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