Dark Revolution – The Vibes (4.6% ABV)

Hello and welcome back to the Eternal Hoptimists,

The latest review as part of our Dark Revolution showcase comes in the form of a hazy pale ale called The Vibes. As we selected our beers from the selection this is one that jumped out on me straight away as the hop combination sounded right up my street.

It is fair to say that from the hops and the very appealing can design I certainly got good vibes from this. Here’s hoping that this transitions well into the flavour..

1. Name : The Vibes

2. Brewery: Dark Revolution (Salisbury, England)

3. Hops :  Comet & Cashmere (Cold Side), Simcoe & Idaho 7 (Hot Side)

4. Grain :  Barley & wheat

5. Aroma : Has a soft fruit nose with melon aromas to the fore

6. Appearance : Pours a hazy straw colour with a one to two finger fluffy white head. The amount of sediment that came out of the can was something to behold, this continually floated around in the glass before dropping, leaving quite an unappealing look to the beer

7. Body : Medium body with a soft and very pleasant mouthfeel

8. Taste :  This has a rather pleasant flavour profile with the hop combination working together magnificently. The beer has a really nice soft fruit flavour profile with a pleasant hop bitterness that lingers well creating quite a morish beer.

Right, this is a beer that needs to be drank with the mouth, rather than the eyes as the sediment is a sight to behold. Whether this is present in all cans, or I have one that is slightly iffy I do not know but what I poured could quite put off many drinkers. Personally, I do not mind sediment in my beer but I have never seen this much come out of a single can!

In terms of the actual beer The Vibes has a pleasant aroma, excellent body, and mouthfeel with a delightful and morish flavour profile that I could easily see myself becoming a big fan of. Sadly, I cannot quite get past the sediment issues in this as I found with each mouthful, I was chewing on lumps that left quite a grainy texture on the lips.

For this reason alone, I am forced to downgrade my overall score from what could have been an excellent beer. If I happen to come across The Vibes again I will certainly try it again and will be more than happy to review this again to see if, indeed mine was slightly iffy.

Our overall rating: 2.9 / 5.0

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