T|E|H – On Tour – Alnwick 2023: The Alnwick Brewery Co.

Hello, and welcome back to the Eternal Hoptimists! As there were two breweries in the area, it seemed like a crime to not visit at least one of them. As Alnwick seems to be the larger of the two, and was on a direct bus line, Sam chose to give them a visit. The historyContinue reading “T|E|H – On Tour – Alnwick 2023: The Alnwick Brewery Co.”

T|E|H – The Crafty Dogg Festival 2023

Hello and welcome back to the Eternal Hopimists, Stuart, Sam and the rest of the gang took a short train journey to Ilkley to check out this years Crafty Dogg festival. We also visited last year, but didn’t have the time to give it the write up it deserved! a fact that we are lookingContinue reading “T|E|H – The Crafty Dogg Festival 2023”

T|E|H – Henshaw’s Beer Fest 2023

Hello and welcome back to the Eternal Hopimists, John, Sue and Sam all got on a train bound for Knaresborough last bank holiday to visit the budding beer festival that is the Henshaws Beer Fest. The charity ran festival, put on a variety of local tipples from Cold Bath, Daleside, Harrogate Brewery, Turning Point andContinue reading “T|E|H – Henshaw’s Beer Fest 2023”

T|E|H – Alphabet Brewing Co – Gone but not forgotten!

Hello and welcome back to the Eternal Hopimists, Its a story thats becoming far to familiar these days, another Brewery has had to close its doors, this time its Alphabet Brewing Co. Sam visited Alphabet Brewing Co (ABC) late last year, and we were planning a full coverage and interview with them later this year.Continue reading “T|E|H – Alphabet Brewing Co – Gone but not forgotten!”

T|E|H Christmas Advent 2022 #11 – Turning Point Brew Co – A Simple Lampoon, DIPA (8.0% ABV)

Hi there fellow beer lovers, Another beer from the 2022 edition of the Turning Point 12 beers of Christmas. A Double IPA as it stresses on the can and at 8% it passes the strength test. Pull the tab and there is an almost overpowering aroma of fruity hops, so they certainly haven’t skimped there.Continue reading “T|E|H Christmas Advent 2022 #11 – Turning Point Brew Co – A Simple Lampoon, DIPA (8.0% ABV)”

T|E|H Christmas Advent 2022 #10 – Turning Point Brew Co – Chaos Theory Honey and Marigold Oatmeal Pale (5.0% ABV)

Hi there fellow beer lovers, This pale ale is one of the Twelve Beers of Christmas from last year. But I felt it would be a crime to not revisit this one again! This one is an oatmeal pale brewed with the addition of honey and marigold flowers. Name: Chaos Theory Honey and Marigold OatmealContinue reading “T|E|H Christmas Advent 2022 #10 – Turning Point Brew Co – Chaos Theory Honey and Marigold Oatmeal Pale (5.0% ABV)”

TEH – Halloween Two Week Special – From Plague to Phantom’s

Hello my fellow beer lovers. MUWAHAHAHAHA!….Welcome back to the eternal hoptimist’s. Its nearly the spookiest time of the year… So in celebration of that we are looking at all things Ghastly & Ghoulish! From the 17th-21st we are taking a closer looks at Eyam Brewery, based the Peak District in a small village called ‘Eyam’. Continue reading “TEH – Halloween Two Week Special – From Plague to Phantom’s”

TEH| Magic Rock Tap Visit 2022

Hello there fellow beer lovers, Welcome back to the Eternal Hoptimists, last weekend we were on the road again! this time we visited the Magic Rock Tap room in Huddersfield! Magic Rock was founded in 2011, and is heavily influenced by the vibrant US beer scene. They describe their beers as a marriage of locallyContinue reading “TEH| Magic Rock Tap Visit 2022”

T|E|H : Meet the Brewers – Merakai Brewing Co

Hello, my fellow beer drinkers! Welcome back to the Eternal Hoptimist’s! It feels like an age since we did our last Meet the Brewers interview. But today we are back at it, and in the hot seat we have the dynamic fusion duo of Olly & Emma from Merakai Brewing. We met the pair whilstContinue reading “T|E|H : Meet the Brewers – Merakai Brewing Co”

Turning Point Brew Co: Exile, Pilsner (5.0% ABV)

Hi there fellow beer lovers, Today we are continuing our journey through Turning Point Brew Co’s 12 Beer of Christmas, with thier Pilsner, Exile Name: Exile, Pilsner Brewery: Turning Point Brew Co Aroma: Sour dough like smell with a playful whisper of hops Appearance:  Clear pale honey in colour with a thin tight white head. Body:  Medium bodied,Continue reading “Turning Point Brew Co: Exile, Pilsner (5.0% ABV)”